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Finite Element Analysis and Mould Flow Analysis

Using world leading ANSYS Mechanical Pro and Moldex 3D Professional software packages we offer these two fundamental CAE services that directly relate to plastic injection moulding. 

By using Moldex 3D to create a comprehensive data set on the specific moulding outcome of a given product, we can use this output data to define the actual properties to be used in the finite element analysis setup. This includes fibre distribution and orientation, weld lines, areas of predicted stress and diminished quality. These attributes are used to provide a more accurate FEA outcome due to the fact that this component specific result is passed from the flow analysis to the FEA analysis software via a linked module.

Validation of the injection strategy of a mould design is paramount to achieving a suitable and predicted outcome that allows mould manufacture to proceed with confidence. Whether it is a simple gate location and fill analysis or a comprehensive report detailing all of the moulding and cooling parameters along with quality outcomes, we can assist with your mould design validation at whatever level is required.

Informed identification of areas of inherent weakness or sub optimal part quality is of great benefit when using FEA to create a sense of confidence in a manufactured product. It is for this reason that we embrace the combination of these two software packages together, as the variable nature of plastic injection moulding can often be inconsistent and predicted outcomes not always as expected. Using a uniform or technically consistent component to conduct an FEA, can sometimes lead to a falsely optimistic result that has not justly taken the quality variation of a moulded product into account.